This weekend was spent comforting one of my oldest friends who found out last week her boyfriend of five years has multiple mistresses - Tiger Woods style.
After a tearful phone call from her on Wednesday I booked the train home to Birmingham on Friday where I met Vicky... She has been living in Leeds with said boyfriend but is now back in Birmingham with family for the foreseeable future.
Not one mistress, not two but three. And those are just the current women, how many more must there have been during the five years they were together? And how did she find out about said women? She became suspicious from a message left on facebook, then hacked in to his email account to find the unfortunate truth. Better to know the sad truth than to live a happy lie I told her, but it offers little comfort at this stage.
How was her cheating spouse accumulating all the ladies? Is he some Brad Pitt stud I hear you wonder. Far from it. In fact I wish I could upload a photo of the oaf here just so you could all see how far he is from that description. But unlike him I am not so cruel. No he did not have women flocking to him left right and centre, he attained them via the method of Internet chat rooms and dating sites, of which there were many listed on his email account for my lovely friend to break her heart trawling through.
One such site was not even a dating site but some sort of sex meet up website apparently. Such a shame that men like him, and Tiger Woods for that matter throw away what they have. They clearly still want to be with their partners otherwise they would leave them and not have to sneak around with other women. But they seem to have a self destruct button which detonates everything good around them.
Letting her hair down on Saturday night seemed the way forward for Vicky so we set off to our favourite nightclub in Birmingham, Flares. Vicky and I have been dancing to the same 80s songs on the same dance floor in Flares since we were seventeen...before she met said scumbag and life was far more simple. Our biggest concern at the end of the night was where to get some food from on the way home.
It was a night of highs and lows, alcohol bringing out a range of emotions from this car crash of a relationship. Luckily at the end of the night G drove to pick us up, redeeming our view of men to some degree and offering the male perspective that yes he was an idiot and yes she could do better. And even though I've been her friend for 15 years I think it meant more coming from G, who she has only met a handful of times.
I'll keep you updated with Vicky's progression. After she has had a chance to grieve this relationship I plan to find her a far more deserving and worthwhile man.. I already have a few lined up in my mind...