Well no move to London would be complete without some fantastic nights out - what other benefits are there to living in our Nation's Capital? Well apart from the culture and history and prestige of course. But this London newbie was keen to sample the great nightlife the city had to offer....
And sample it I did! This weekend has been a mix of extremes. From a cheapo night with students on Friday to a rather more classy Saturday night at celeb hotspot Funky Buddah. What a difference a day makes and Friday and Saturday were like night and day when it came to having fun.
Friday night saw a rather exhausted 23 year old me join the freshly, just slept all afternoon 18 year old students on a night out in Camden. Why, you may ask, am I joining the youngsters and digressing back to my uni days? Well, I am new to the City, living with my student brother (he doesn't want to be named on this blog so we will call him "Titch") and some of his male student mates. I decided that if you can't beat them, join them, and 6 weeks of being woken by them coming in from nights out made me realise I'm certainly not going to beat them.
That is how, fellow bloggers, I ended up beginning my Friday night playing Russian vodka roulette drinking games in a halls of residence nearby to our house in Camden. The consumption of the vodka led to poor judgement and is how I ended up joining said students on a pub crawl which saw me taking off my shoes in order to keep up with the long limmbed and fast paced kids. They had the advantage of being able to handle more alcohol and having slept all day being well rested for this crawl. I on the other hand, was out of practice of walking bare foot between pubs, and was somewhat lagging behind on this venture.
I can't say the night proved my drinking prowess - more lack thereof. However, I think the kids in my house have a new found respect that I even attempted to keep up, that I did whiskey shooters with the rest of them, and that my challenges in the height and footwear departments did not hold me back.
Saturday night was a different story all together - my friend from home came down to stay. Her family have made millions in business so when I say she came to stay - she did not stay in the student filled house of fun which I call home. No, she stayed nearby in a glamorous hotel in Mayfair. This girl has been one of my best friends since school. She lives a different life to my own but has a heart of gold. A silver spoon but a golden heart.
We had a lovely dinner at the Punch Bowl, in Mayfair, the pub owned by Guy Ritchie, and a favourite in the celeb circle. After dinner there, which was not your typical 'pub' food (I thoroughly recommend taking a visit), we moved on to celeb hot spot Funky Buddha. My friend had been there before. She knows a few famous faces due to her family connections, and does not go to Funky Buddha to see celebrities, rather, she sometimes goes there with them. I on the other hand, was out on celeb safari and I won't mention who I saw (a lady never tells) but as anyone who has been to this club knows, there are a fair few recognisable faces in this place.
The drinks were out of my price range even now - at £350 for a bottle of wine, and £80 for a glass, it was a safe bet I wasn't getting as drunk as the night before. However my night was made in other ways....
The guest list is notoriously hard to get onto at Funky Buddha and we were trying our luck really in getting in, but the bouncer decided he liked the look of us enough to let us in and for free too! In we walked past the velvet ropes without even queuing. If only he had seen me the night before trailing after a bunch of students without any shoes on.
To top off the success of our carefree entry, I woke up this morning and read in the Daily Mail that Strictly judge, and pop star Alesha Dixon was turned away from Funky Buddha this weekend because she and her entourage did not have enough places on the guest list! Yet I made it in! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1230744/Alesha-Dixon-finds-entourage-Strictly-big-embarks-night-club-hopping.html
Judge me as you will but this has made my weekend ;-) To be honest - and I feel disloyal to my lovely bouncer right now to be saying this - but I had more fun with the students on Friday night than in the rather pretentious and over priced celebrity hangout. But it's fun to try new places! And let's face it, a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do for a night out in a new town! x x
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